Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Now that my sister has a blog, I need to resurrect mine. (Blog forthwith resurrected.) Furthermore, I've been tagged, so here goes!

Ten years ago:
Wow. Ten years ago, I was flitting about Europe wondering what in the world had become of Moscow and wondering what in the world had become of me. Turns out Moscow had fallen prey to rampant capitalism. As for me, I had fallen prey to a random brain tumor. I'm thankful to be writing this ten years later in a relatively healthy state!

Five things on my "to do" list:1. Finish grading mountains of student work.
2. Restore order to my "office" that is currently completely overrun by piles and papers.
3. Go for my first bike ride this spring.
4. Cook something healthy.
5. Ponder potential dissertation projects.

Snacks I enjoy
ice-cream, salted nuts, fruit, chocolate, cereal bars from Trader Joe's

If I suddenly became a billionaire, I would . . .
Start a school, travel, buy organic food, and pay someone to take the remaining moola off my hands!

Three bad habits
1. Procrastinating
2. Second-guessing
3. Becoming very crabby when I'm sleep-deprived

Five jobs I've had
Daycare worker, secretary, teacher, babysitter, curriculum writer

Five things most people don't know about me
1. I like watching foreign films
2. I read the headlines of 3-5 newspapers each day
3. I have an aversion to horseradish
4. I would be perfectly happy (and busy) without a job
5. I want to start an herb garden even though I have never succeeded in keeping a plant alive

Five places I have lived
1. Idaho Falls, Idaho
2. Provo, Utah
3. Lansing, Michigan
4. Prague, Czech Republic
5. Moscow, Russia

Phew -- no wonder I stopped blogging! :)


Unknown said...

I laughed a lot about the whistler and the seven dwarfs. Hilarious. So glad to see you are picking up with the blog - it's always fun to get caught up on other people's lives.
BTW, the dress you made for Lindsey turned out really well - I loved it.

Rosalee said...

See that wasn't so hard. Can't wait to read about your adventures - possibly cantaloup bread? I noticed that you ended the game by not tagging anyone else. Party pooper! :) Rosalee