Monday, January 26, 2009

An 8-year-old's View of the Presidency

My eight-year-old niece, Lindsey, called me today. We were chatting about the usual things -- books, extreme sports (bodily damage sustained while sledding in the front yard), and politics. I asked her what she thought about the inauguration of President Obama. She liked it.

"He sure has a big, hard job," I remarked.

"Oh, it's not a hard job," she replied, "but it is a big job. He has to work from 1 a.m. to midnight every day, making laws and stuff. And they're getting a dog."

Thanks, Linds. I stand corrected.

(P.S. For those of you who know this precious beagle, can you imagine what it would be like if Mei Mei were the White House pet? Soon there would be a press corp entirely devoted to Mei Mei coverage!)


Unknown said...

I guess that I am unfamiliar with MeiMei. I think it's funny how kids percieve things from little bits and pieces that they hear adults talking about!

Rosalee said...

MeiMei would definitely add flair to the white house coverage :)